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- CIEH 食物致敏源(基礎)證書課程

- CIEH 食品安全(第二級及第三級)證書課程


Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, U.K.

 - Certificate in Food Allergen Awareness (Level 2)

 - Certificate in Food Safety (Level 2 & 3)

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自2014年本會導師將CIEH正式引進澳門,並率先為澳門其中大型綜合渡假村成為全澳首個CIEH認證培訓中心,栽培本地CIEH導師為採購、 收貨、 餐飲、廚藝、 管事及工程部數千員工提供國際認證食安培訓。 



Since 2014 we had formally introduced CIEH to Macau, and estibished the first CIEH certified training center for one of the Integrated Resorts in Macau.  We sucessfully groomed local CIEH instructors and provided certified trainigs for over thousands employee inculding purchasing, receiving, catering, cooking, stewardship and engineering departments. 

CIEH food safety courses are designed with this in mind and complement the guidelines issued by the Food Standards Agency (FSA).


Course Summary

  • 報讀人士:該課程讓學員對食物衛生有較深入的認識,以助提升學員的衛生操作標準及督導能力

  • 導師:CIEH 專業認可導師

  • 語言:廣東話或普通話或英文均可

  • Target participants: The course covers an in-depth understanding of how to apply and monitor good food safety practice. It also ensures that supervisors know how to implement food safety management procedures

  • Instructor: Certified CIEH trainer

  • Language: Cantonese, Mandarin or English


Certification & Assessment

  • 認證:考試合格後學員可獲取由英國環境衞生協會頒發之證書

  • Certification: Certificate of qualification issued by CIEH, U.K.

CIEH 食物致敏源基礎證書課程


Course Outline​

  1. 了解食物致敏和不耐受性的影響

  2. 致敏源管理(如何識別、管理和控制與食物致敏源相關的風險)

  3. 向消費者提供正確致敏源信息(如何獲得完整及準確的過敏源信息)

  1. Food allergy and intolerance

  2. Practical allergen management

  3. Communication 

CIEH 食品安全(第二級)證書課程


Course Outline​

  1. 食品安全介紹

  2. 食品安全危害

  3. 良好食安操守

  4. 食品安全計劃

  5. 食品安全培訓
  1. Introduction to food safety

  2. Food safety hazards

  3. Good food safety practice 

  4. Food safety management systems

  5. Food safety training

CIEH 食品安全(第三級)證書課程


Course Outline​

  1. 食品安全簡介

  2. 調查協助配合 

  3. 良好的衛生習慣

  4. 溫度控制

  5. 工作場所和設備設計

  6. 清潔、消毒和廢棄物控制

  7. 蟲害防治

  8. 個人衛生

  9. 食品安全培訓

  10. HACCP危害分析關鍵控制點

  11. 食品安全管理工具

  1. Introduction to food safety

  2. Assisting an investigation

  3. Good hygiene practice

  4. Temperature control

  5. Workplace and equipment design

  6. Cleaning, disinfection and waste control

  7. Pest control

  8. Personal hygiene

  9. Training

  10. HACCP

  11. Food safety management tools


Note: We welcome group training arrangement as well as individual participate. We will update the training information from time to time so please stay tune.

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