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培訓預告​ Upcoming Training

2030 可持續發展目標遊戲是一個多人參與,親身經歷的紙牌式遊戲,模擬將參與者帶入 2030 年的 “現實世界”。 


The 2030 SDGs Game is a multiplayer, in-person, card-based game that simulates taking the “real world” into the year 2030.


作為Feed the Planet計劃之一,該課程由Worldchefs設計與合作夥伴伊萊克斯食品基金會(Electrolux Food Foundation) 和國際經濟學商學學生會(AIESEC)提供支援。通過8節課,學員了解農業,畜牧業,海鮮,水,能源,廢物管理和營養的可持續性。

此認證是以美國食品與藥品管理局 (FDA) 食品法規為依據,通過認證者將具有的食品安全管理的專業知識。


Upon completion of the course, participants would be acquired knowledge of food safety management based on the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Code.

自2014年本會導師將CIEH正式引進澳門,並率先為澳門其中大型綜合渡假村成為全澳首個CIEH認證培訓中心,栽培本地CIEH導師為採購、 收貨、 餐飲、廚藝、 管事及工程部數千員工提供認證食安培訓。 



Since 2014 we had formally introduced CIEH to Macau, and estibished the first CIEH certified training center for one of the Integrated Resorts in Macau.  We had sucessfully groomed local CIEH instructors and provided certified trainigs for over thousands employee inculding purchasing, receiving, catering, cooking, stewardship and engineering departments. 

CIEH food safety courses are designed with this in mind and complement the guidelines issued by the Food Standards Agency (FSA).


The CIEH (Level 3) Intermediate Certificate in Food Safety is designed for managers and supervisors who need a broad understanding of food safety control, and who have responsibility for developing and maintaining a food safety management system.

Instructors' Qualification 



在過去的十年,為澳門食品安全業界創下數項創舉包括榮獲全澳首個國際性HACCP 認證 (2006年)、創建首個綜合度假村HACCP 認證 (2010年)、開辦首個CIEH 企業培訓中心 (2014年)及成為唯一澳門企業產品追溯系統取得GSI金獎。導師亦為多個國際食安組織的委員代表。

  • 2030 SDGS Game Certified Facilitator -since 2020
    2030 可持續發展目標遊戲課程註冊引導師

  • CFSP Certified Instructor -since 2013 
    美國「CFSP 食品安全專家」課程認證導師
    American Society of Transportation & Logistics (AST&L), License CMC003

  • CIEH Certified Trainer of Level II & Level III - since 2013
    英國「CIEH 環境衛生特許協會」食品安全(第二及第三級) 課程認證導師
    Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, UK (CIEH), Trainer No.032038, Training account No. SOCI0001

  • ServeSafe® Food Safety Certified Instructor & Registered Proctor -since 2015
    美國「ServeSafe® 食品安全」課程認證導師及註冊監考員
    American National Standards Institute, License 2133876 and 3714557

  • Certified in IRCA Certified ISO 22000 Lead Auditor since 2012
    IRCA註冊的 ISO 22000主審員
    RVA-Accredited Scheme

  • Certified in IRCA Certified HACCP Lead Auditor since 2006
    IRCA註冊的 HACCP主審員
    RVA-Accredited Scheme

標題 4

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